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Sorry for not posting a couple of days

I am currently stuck in a limbo, and I will not come out easily from here. But I will do it.

I am preparing all the material needed to participate to the IndieDevDay24. I have hired a freelance artist to help me to the promotional material (one pager and pitch deck) of Pawtners Case.

For now, zero publishers accepted to meet me. I don’t know if this is normal because it’s the very first time I am willing to pitch to indie publishers. Anyway, the experience is worth to me. I am doing something different, at least.

For the rest, here’s the limbo: from one side I have companies that are offering very high positions to me, but then they disappear because I have never held that same position in another company. From the other side I am getting in touch with smaller realities that value well my work but they are offering too low compensation.

That’s a mess, and it’s hard to be patient with money running out of the bank every month. Wish me luck, if you read this.

Published inPersonal

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