I bounced on this post by a famous French publisher. It is focused on curiosity which is a strong motivational driver:

The point of this post is that Players will be more willing to watch an ad for the reasons at the bottom than for those at the top. Adding a different visual look for the reward after the video ad is enough to give the Players curiosity. Improving the stats (top line), instead, has probably fewer chances to convert a Player because it is giving power. I have two questions here:
- What happens when the Players understand that all vehicles are skins (and they will)?
- What happens when the Players understand that more speed means higher challenge?
Intuitively, it depends a lot on the gameplay you have and your economy base. For a single player endless runner having a new vehicle can be cool, while improving your speed can cause some extra challenge you maybe don’t want. But in a multiplayer RPG game having 50% more speed of course is a huge improvement.
Trying to evaluate a game in terms of skill, luck and stats is the first step to design a good economy (thanks D. for reminding me that, the other day).
- A game offers a fantasy to the Players
- On top of that fantasy, Players may perform a set of actions
- Those actions should be oriented toward goals
- In order to reach the goals, the Players have to engage with mechanics
- Mechanics are based on those three elements: skill, luck and stats
- Based on that, you can design the game’s economy properly
- On top of that, rewarded videos can offer meaningful value to the economy
- On the short term, playing with curiosity is a great idea
- For the long term, instead, Players that stay more will need more prestige inside of the game!
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