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Stories come from consciousness

A guy that I follow on LinkedIn said: “TikTok is already testing TV-like series with 90-second episodes, some titles generating hundreds of thousands of views behind modest paywalls ($5.13 for 10 episodes). Instagram creators are building millions of followers through episodic Reels, while YouTube embraces serialized content on YouTube TV.”

I understand the interest that an AI-generated story can generate.

hey look at what this new technology is capable of doing!

In this sense, I understand why there is so much engagement. There is something new and people want to see what it is. There is a long way to go from here to thinking this is the future. The “future” arrives organically, and it is difficult to predict. I work every single day with creativity and storytelling. Like everyone else, I am using tools that promise greater productivity. I am noticing improvements, especially in “unlocking” my mind in certain tasks.

Example: new task, with a poorly defined problem. I send a prompt to Claude, who gives me a wrong and summary answer. I start mentally criticizing the answer, and this makes me think on the right track.

But there is a long way to go from here to thinking that I can create stories that keep people engaged for a long time. These stories come from consciousness. Consciousness is impossible to reproduce in electrical signals because it does not come from there. It comes from something above us.

But that’s my belief.

Published inGame Design

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