Hey reader, thank you for being here today too. It’s been a while, I lost an important source of income and rearranged my forces these days. My game Pawtners Case is moving forward but slowly. Briefly speaking
- I have pitched to a potential investor. They want to see a demo.
- I sent the pitch to industry friends (if you’re one of them, thank you very much for your feedback again!) and spotted my potential weaknesses
- I am rearrarging forces and trying to differentiate my business. In fact I cannot rely only on Pawtners Case to stay afloat. I need to find a source of income and also new projects.
- I am also retaking my programming side, hope to show you something soon.
Good news I am here, healthy and alive. I have my challenges as you do have others for sure, but I am happy! The important thing at crossroards it’s to make a step forward for our rework.
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