The other day I was talking to friends about my teaching experience. This semester I accompanied some students in their “TFG, Trabajo de Final de Grado”. Their thesis, in short. University has changed a lot in recent years, for a whole series of factors. Society has changed since the time I went to university.
We were talking about the most difficult thing about teaching nowadays. I teach game design and development. For me the most difficult thing is actually teaching!
I am a learning facilitator for those who want to learn, rather than someone who actually teaches. Maybe it’s a question of age and experience.
Today the challenge is adapting to a world where information (and teachings) arrive at all hours from many sources that have pervaded our lives.
I can no longer see the story of the master to follow as possible in this world. I am not a person who goes to the mountain to wait for the worthy disciple to climb it and reach the source. For the type of culture (Christian) I come from, I prefer to be a shepherd and be among the sheep.
But this metaphor must change. Sheeps today have a Pandora’s box between their paws, designed to throw everything into their digestive tracts.
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