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Month: July 2024

Off vacation

I am back from a relaxing vacation with my family. I have probably lost a possible client because I wasn’t available to have a meeting during my rest. I had an interesting interview with a big company that then decided that they prefer a Russian speaker (!!!).

I am back at my desk, ready to start a new working year. I have private challenges ahead, but I am sure I will figure everything out. I think I will use less LinkedIn, lately the trend is losing too much time on it and the return is low. I would prefer, this year, to engage more with Reddit and its communities. I would like to find a community to serve with small games, and show up regularly. I am on it!

I am also tired of many of the podcasts I used to listen to. They are a good resource to start, but they can also bring to analysis paralysis. So I will dedicate that time to more interesting activities.

Good to be back!